Palm Beach Atlantic University Initiative Benefits Honduras
Palm Beach Atlantic University has signed a first-of-its kind agreement with the Republic of Honduras and the Marea Foundation, kicking off a three-month long initiative in Honduras to help improve quality of life for the locals by preserving a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
For the first time, Palm Beach Atlantic University in partnership with the Marea Foundation, led by former West Palm Beach Mayor Rick Reikenis, are launching a program to benefit the people of Honduras through the restoration of its Copan Ruins, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The goal is to benefit the Honduran people by boosting the tourism there, increasing revenue and helping to improve education, job opportunities and quality of life for the locals.
As part of their graduate program, from May to August, graduate students in the Master of Arts in International Development will complete their fieldwork in Honduras. The students will be assessing the current historical site, cataloging the existing antiquities, and identifying ways of restoring and preserving the Copan Ruins.