How It Started
Saving lives is just the beginning.
It started with food distribution. Anyone in the first world who has eaten on a tight budget knows that meals of rice and beans can go a long way. They go even further in Trujillo, Honduras. While keeping bellies full is an honorable cause, food distribution isn’t a long-term, sustainable solution. It’s useful and needed in short-term relief situations, but it can’t be used permanently.
Did the food distribution program save lives? Yes. Did it change lives? Also yes, but not in a long-term way that brings dignity and self-sufficiency to the people it helped.
We asked ourselves, “What would change lives in a permanent way?” How about working with the Honduran government to secure a 280-acre plot of land that local farmers could use to raise crops and process dairy, wheat, poultry, and beef?
That could work, right? Right.
So that’s exactly what we did. Right now, the Zamora Farm is the main project for our Small Business Incubation Team. You can read a bit more about it here. As you can see from these pictures from our Facebook page, we have some bare-bones infrastructure already in place, but we need A LOT of help getting things up and running. Our first priority is putting a roof on the large storage building so that agricultural equipment and products can stay dry and out of the weather.
We are beyond excited to finally see this project taking shape and we would love for you to join us! You can donate or contact us to find out more! (Our contact form is at the bottom of the homepage.)